Finding the Narrative

Image text: “You’re best able to communicate when you’re passionate about it”—Maren Hunsberger

Image text: “You’re best able to communicate when you’re passionate about it”—Maren Hunsberger

Show Notes

The Science of SciComm Club is a place dedicated to all things science communication! This space aims to bring academics, scientists, educators, and STEM enthusiasts together to exchange ideas, tips, and tricks on best science communication practices and theories.

This week’s guest is Maren Hunsberger.—a microbiologist, science communicator, script-writer, and video & podcast producer.

In this episode we talked about:

  1. How Maren got into science during undergrad

  2. How Maren combine her enthusiasm for science with her theatre training to communicate science

  3. Maren’s approach for building her narrative

    • ask an initial question you are enthusiastic or interested on

    • what are the goals and the goals of the stakeholder

    • what is the style of the video/podcast you’re trying to achieve

    • is there a call to action you are trying to achieve

    • and how to humanize the science or scientist

  4. How the narrative follows a flow of logic & critical thinking

  5. Then we answered audience questions:

    • How to decide between what we are interested in vs what gets clicks

    • How to market ourselves in science communication when we appear overqualified with a Ph.D. in science

    • How do we measure the success of a campaign on social media

    • How to communicate our science when stakeholders perspectives don’t align with what the community wants to hear

Follow Stephanie @PhutureDoctors on Instagram // Twitter // YouTube // LinkedIn // Clubhouse

Follow Maren @MarenHunsberger on Instagram // Twitter // YouTube // TikTok // Clubhouse


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