Over a decade of training as a scientist, researcher, and educator

Science Communication Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University, 2022
Chemistry M.S.
Vanderbilt University, 2017
Chemistry B.S.
University of Central Florida, 2015
Production, Narratives, and Identity in Science Communication Videos, Dissertation, 2022
Production Processes for Creating Educational Videos, CBE—Life Sciences Education, 2021
Determination of the Relative Antioxidant Strength of Teas Combining Metal Nanoparticles, Plasmonics, and Fluorescence: A Multidisciplinary Experiment, J. Nano Educ., 2016
Dual-mode crystal-bound and X-type passivation of quantum dots, J. E. Chem. Comm., 2016
Graduate Classes
Physical Methods in Inorganic, Nanoparticles, Nanoscale Science & Engineering Seminar, Adv. Analytical Chemistry, Applied Group Theory, Science Communication Tools & Techniques, Technical Science Writing, Writing for the Screen & Stage, Foundations of Design Thinking, Intro to Video Production, and Designing and Studying Environments for Informal Learning.

Through my Ph.D. in Science Communication work at Vanderbilt University, I design and produce educational videos supported by STEM Identity Theory and Human-Centered Design. I developed my own research track through the interdisciplinary Ph.D. program supported by professors in Communication of Science, STEM Education, Chemistry, Digital Humanities, and Cinema & Media Arts.
My research is rooted in the work I have done through Phuture Doctors. Phuture Doctors started as a creative outlet for me to share my passion for science outreach and filmmaking, eventually leading to my initiative to bring inclusion to the STEM workforce using representation in media as a conduit.
My passion for teaching stems from being a gymnast and gymnastics coach for almost a decade in my formative years. I have four years of teaching general and organic chemistry at the undergraduate level. Earned my Teaching Certificate from Vanderbilt University’s Center for Teaching in 2018. I have six years of teaching science to K-12 students through outreach initiatives with the American Chemical Society and Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscience & Engineering.
I also designed a science communication course in science filmmaking, which I am teaching as an adjunct professor at Vanderbilt University. I infuse media industry experience with human-centered design to create an engaging class where students leave with the start of a portfolio for their scicomm aspirations. -
I have nine years of scientific training, earning my B.S. and M.Sc. in Chemistry, where I worked on growing nanoparticles in tea and measuring their optical properties with lasers, synthesizing quantum-confined nanoparticles to capture energy from the sun, and generating new catalysts for biodegradable plastic production using mechanical energy.
Through my training, I gained skills in critical thinking and asking the right questions to learn and eventually understand how complex systems work. I also gained experience in writing and communicating technical topics to technical audiences through various mediums and platforms, which enables me to be a bridge between experts and the general public.
Trainings and Fellowships
Vanderbilt Entrepreneurship
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I raised $14,000 in seed funding through student entrepreneurship competitions. Winning first place at the local GSEA competition held by EO Nashville; second place at the Vanderbilt Entrepreneurship Conference; and awarded micro-grants from Vanderbilt Wond’ry Center and Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning to support the development of Phuture Doctors.
2019 Jackson Wild Media Lab Fellow
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I was 1of 17 participants selected out of a pool of 700+ applicants. I got hands-on training in interviewing, filming on a RED camera, writing, and editing during an intense 10-day workshop led by Days Edge Production. Worked in a small team to produce a short film from idea to execution in five days, which was showcased at the Jackson Wild Summit.
2020 WCSFP Emerging Producer
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Accepted to attend the World Congress of Science & Factual Producers virtual meeting through their Emerging Producer Bursary Program, which allowed me to network with industry leaders and pitch to digital media companies.
2021 AAAS Mass Media Fellow
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1 of 29 fellows working for a national newsroom as a science reporter for ten weeks. I reported eight stories, four of which were accompanied by videos I produced for The Las Vegas Review-Journal newsrooms covering topics around health and the environment.